DAHSHA Collections

Focus and Scope:

The journal Dialogues Across Health, Science, Humanities, and Archives is supplemented by several collections housed in Rice University’s Fondren Library’s Digital Scholarship Repository.

This resource can be navigated on the Rice Repository Research (R-3) website.

DAHSHA seeks pieces for the journal’s Collections that address health issues from multidisciplinary and professional perspectives, emphasizing scientific and humanistic input. Pieces for the journal’s Collections are reviewed by the editorial board. While pieces in the journal’s Collections are not published in DAHSHA itself, pieces will be made available through the Rice Research Repository and promoted on DAHSHA’s website. Collections can include interviews (video or audio including transcripts), conference proceedings, brief write-ups on archival materials, graphic narratives, photographs and photo essays, other multimedia projects, and digital reproductions of images, recordings, or other media. 

The submitted work should address the theme of the volume. The first volume focuses on Radiation Events and Effects. Upcoming themes for future volumes will be posted on our website

For information on submitting academic journal articles, please refer to DAHSHA’s Journal Articles section on our website.

Submission and Review Process: 

All manuscripts and media submitted to DAHSHA’s Collections should be sent to the Managing Editor’s email: cbc5@rice.edu. Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged by email. Before submitting a manuscript or pieces of media to the journal’s Collections, DAHSHA encourages individuals or organizations to have a preliminary correspondence with the Managing Editor or Editorial Board members to ensure that your project or archival materials are thematically and technologically appropriate for the journal and its digital platform. In the subject line of your email, please indicate that your manuscript or media submission is to be considered for DAHSHA’s Collections. 

Manuscripts or other media submissions for DAHSHA’s Collections should fit with the journal’s focus. These pieces can be written work or other media that have not yet been published or that have been published in other venues. Proper acknowledges and evidence of permissions will be required for previously published materials. Manuscripts and media submitted for the Collections stream will undergo a review process facilitated by DAHSHA’s editors. If the editors find that the submission would make a valuable contribution to the Collections, the piece or pieces will be accepted pending requested revisions and edits. Editorial decisions will be performed as expeditiously as possible. 

Please review our Editorial and Publication Policies for information regarding the journal’s publication frequency, distribution, copyright procedures through the Creative Commons (CC) license, and other policies. 

Document Guidelines: 

  • Must be an original work and not previously published or must include written documentation of permissions to include in the Collections.
  • Follow formatting according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition
  • Be double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font. 
  • Include endnotes and a reference list as needed and formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition
  • Include a brief description (150–250 words in length) of the submitted manuscript or media and a brief author biography (150 words in length per author) 

Media Guidelines: 

  • Be submitted as .doc or .docx. 
    • If the primary submission is not in manuscript format (i.e. a textual document), but is in another form of media (video, audio, etc.), please consult with the managing editor or editors for appropriate submissions guidelines.
  • Image and Video Guidelines (forthcoming)
  • All submissions including interviews must be accompanied by a permissions form signed by all interview subjects and proofread transcript(s).
  • Provide or be prepared to provide the necessary permissions for illustrations, photographs, tables, and other media. 
    • Permissions must be obtained and shared with the journal to secure publication.
    • DAHSHA does not provide funds for costs to procure permissions.  
    • Please use DAHSHA’s Permission Acquisitions Form (forthcoming) to obtain the proper permissions information.