Focus and Scope:
DAHSHA seeks manuscripts that address health issues from multidisciplinary and professional perspectives, emphasizing scientific and humanistic input. Desired manuscript categories include hypothesis and theory, perspectives, and conceptual analysis through original research, policy and practice reviews, community case studies, pedagogy related to better understanding multi-disciplinary courses, opinion pieces, and editorials.
The submitted work should address the theme of the volume. The first volume focuses on Radiation Events and Effects. Upcoming themes for future volumes will be posted on our website.
For information on submitting other genres of writing and research, such as brief write-ups on archival materials, interviews (video or audio including transcripts), graphic narratives, photographs or photo essays, and other multimedia projects, please refer to DAHSHA’s Collections section on our website.
Submission and Review Process:
All manuscripts submitted to DAHSHA should be sent to the Managing Editor’s email: Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged by email. In the subject line of your email, please indicate that your manuscript is a journal article submission.
A journal article submission should be a piece of original, formal academic research—inclusive of humanities, scientific, and/or clinical scholarship—that is not yet published and fits within the journal’s focus, scope, and volume theme. Your manuscript will undergo a double anonymized, peer review process, including reports from external reviewers. Based on the reviewers’ reports and recommendations, DAHSHA editors will determine if the manuscript will be published as a journal article, pending requested revisions and edits. Editorial decisions will be performed as expeditiously as possible.
Please review our Editorial and Publication Policies for information regarding the journal’s publication frequency, distribution, copyright procedures through the Creative Commons (CC) license, and other policies.
Manuscript Guidelines:
- Must be an original work and not previously published.
- Follow formatting according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition.
- Please see the online style manual for details and this published article as an example.
- Be double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Be 2,000-8,000 words in length, not including notes, diagram captions, etc.
- DAHSHA editors may make exceptions for shorter or longer manuscripts.
- Include endnotes and a reference list as needed and formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition.
- Include an abstract with a list of 5-7 keywords, a brief author biography for each listed contributor, a conflicts of interest statement, and a funding statement. Please see the details of these sections below.
- In the email of your submitted manuscript, include the names, academic or professional affiliations, and emails of up to three potential article reviewers.
Media Guidelines:
- Be submitted as .doc or .docx.
- If the primary submission is not in manuscript format (i.e. a textual document), but is in another form of media (video, audio, etc.), please consult with the managing editor or editors for appropriate submissions guidelines.
- Image and Video Guidelines (forthcoming)
- All submissions including interviews must be accompanied by a permissions form signed by all interview subjects and proofread transcript.
- Provide or be prepared to provide the necessary permissions for illustrations, photographs, tables, and other media.
- Permissions must be obtained and shared with the journal to secure publication.
- DAHSHA does not provide funds for costs to procure permissions.
- Please use DAHSHA’s Permission Acquisitions Form (forthcoming) to obtain the proper permissions information.
An abstract should be approximately 250 words in length. The abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or the actual paper. It highlights key content areas, your research purpose, the relevance or importance of your work, and the primary outcomes. Please list 5-7 keywords at the end of your abstract.
Brief Author Biography
A brief author biography of 150 words in length should be included at the end of the manuscript for each listed author.
Conflicts of Interest and Funding Statements
Conflicts of interest and funding statements should be included at the end of the manuscript. The conflicts of interest statement should identify any potential instances of competing interest outlined in DAHSHA’s Conflicts of Interest Form. The funding statement should acknowledge any funding obtained and utilized for any part of the manuscript’s research, writing, and editing processes. It should briefly describe the use of these funds concerning the manuscript.